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Pool Closing/Winter Maintenance Request

Our new Online Pool Closing/Winter Maintenance Request Form allows for a more efficient, streamlined process of scheduling winter services.

  1. Complete the form, making sure to choose your top two (2) preferences for the week you'd like your pool closed or winter maintenance performed, then submit the form.
  2. We will review the requests and start scheduling them out on a first come, first served basis. We will try to accommodate all customers' requests, however a timely submission request will improve the chances of getting your preferred date. 
  3. Confirmation email with exact date will be sent the week prior to your scheduled week. 
    *Payment can be submitted at anytime but is not processed until the week prior to your closing/winter maintenance date

Closing Options

We offer three types to choose from when it comes to pool cleaning. These include the following:

Pool Closing with Cover Installation:
Winterize pool & equipment, add winterizing chemical kit & install winter cover.

Pool with Spa Closing:
In addition to Pool Closing with Cover Installation, winterize spa and add winterizing chemical kit.

Separate Spa Closing AFTER Pool Closing:
Keep your spa open to enjoy it longer than your pool. Winterize pool & equipment, add winterizing chemical kit & install winter cover first. Then winterize spa and add winterizing chemical kit at a later date.

ADD-ON: Winter Pool Maintenance


**Highly Recommended for Plaster Pools**

It is highly recommended to keep an eye on your pool water level during the off-season, maintaining the water below tile and/or tanning ledge to prevent FREEZE DAMAGE from developing.

Visits can include any or all of the following on an as needed basis:

- Drain water out of pool
- Add chemicals
- Check on pool equipment, skimmers, valves and configuration settings to prevent system from freezing up
- Remove debris and/or water on top of pool cover
- Blow leaves/debris around pool equipment
- Adjust cover as needed
- Heater Maintenance/Cleaning


*Pool/Spa should be vacuumed and cleaned by the customer. The winter plugs, stand pipes, winter cover and cover installation tool should be left out by the pool area. There will be an additional charge for any winterizing fittings needed (this does not apply to new pool construction customers).

You should consider adding liquid chlorine shock to the pool around February next year if you don’t plan on opening the pool before May. This will inhibit algae growth to help ensure a clear pool in the spring.

WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS (3% fee will be applied) or CHECK

If paying by check, you must still submit the Pool Closing Request Form.

Please send checks to:
Blue Haven Pools

2109 Parkway Dr.
St. Peters, MO 63376

Submit Your Request For Pool Closing or Winter Maintenance